Elios 1 System update
Avionic v1.2 (md5: 180174f5a9e45b52f038b53e323519df)
Camera v0.11 (md5: 133f0ad6357d6d68f462dda0cf3c61e6)
Before Starting
Download the latest version of the Elios 1 avionic firmware
Update Cockpit to the latest Version on the Tablet of the controller
Automatic Installation
All Elios 1 systems running Avionics Firmware 1.1 or higher and Cockpit 1.1 or higher are capable of automatically upgrading provided that the tablet has access to the internet. Upon starting the Cockpit app, a notification will appear to inform you that a new version is available. Follow the instructions to install the new version of the App. The avionics firmware of the drone can be upgraded "over the air" if the ground controller and drone are also connected and powered on.
Make sure that there are no old firmware files left on the SD card, as in this case the "Over The Air" upgrade will not work correctly.
If you do not wish to connect your tablet to the internet, or if you are running firmware prior to V1.1, then the application and firmware can be upgraded offline through the process described below:
Manual update instruction:
Avionic Firmware:
Download the Avionic Firmware
Make sure that the drone is not powered
Remove the LOG SD card from your drone and plug it to your computer
Copy the "V1.2.bin" into the LOG SD card's root
Plug the LOG SD card back in the drone
Power up the drone by plugging in a battery
The navigation LEDs (Red - Green) will blinks synchronized for a moment and then blinks alternately
Unplug the battery
You could check the update has been successful by checking the firmware version in the ''About'' panel in Cockpit application
Camera Firmware: (has not changed since V0.11 of July 2017, so you will most likely not have to update it)
Download the Camera Firmware
Make sure that the drone is not powered
Remove the Camera SD card from your drone and plug it to your computer
Copy the "FTWLC1.bin" into the Cam SD card's root
Plug the CAM SD card back in the drone
Power up the drone by plugging in a battery
The CAM LED status will blink blue for a moment and then become solid green
Unplug the battery
You could check the update has been successful by checking the firmware version in the ''About'' panel in Cockpit application
Last updated
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